A Litte Information About Deacons

Right after the Homily at church service today, I had the opportunity to chat a little bit with Sis. Nellie. She was asking about the newly ordained Deacon who delivered the Homily.

Plans to Resolve Wedding Committee Issues

As far as I can see, there's none. At least there's none, thus far.

It all started early this year when the group head, Bro. Orlando called for a meeting among the lectors and commentators who volunteer for roles in the church weddings. All those involved voiced out their opinions on issues that seem to plague the weddings.

Wedding Schedule Change Without Notice

The schedule for my wedding service today as commentator was 2 pm. I rushed to the church. I knew I was I was early. After all, I was there with 20 minutes to spare.

But then, there was nobody at the parking lot.

Tips for Swapping Schedules in Church Service

I wonder how many churches have this problem on lector no-shows when it comes to mass services. Because it certainly has been a perennial problem in the parish.

When a lector or commentator is absent, it creates unnecessary burden and stress to the other lectors who do turn up for the service. It becomes worse if the absent lector is the assigned commentator.

Singing the Response Part of the Responsorial Psalm

In a recent meeting, it was announced that there will be no singing of the psalm verses until further notice. By this, the priest said to wait for instructions.

The priest intends to have a consistent quality in psalm singing for all psalmist/lectors. What he had in mind is to eventually form some kind of training that will result in the uniform singing or chanting of psalm verses during the Responsorial Psalm for the lectors' ministry.

Taking Over a Lector's Scheduled Service

Being scheduled and asked to be commentator for the wedding and then later being asked to go home instead is quite upsetting to say the least. That's how I felt when a scheduled wedding was cancelled suddenly for reasons unknown to me.

In today's wedding, something similar happened, and I was told to go back home.

Moving the Choir from the Loft - Part 2

(This is the continuation from Part 1)

So I looked around and examined the surroundings for what could be the reason why the acoustics inside the church has changed. The only obvious change was the transfer of the church choir and their instruments.

Another change, not visible to many, are the wires and cables running on the floor of the sanctuary. The choir's microphones and instruments certainly had audio cables. Because of their transfer, these instruments needed new audio ports and sockets.

Moving the Choir from the Loft

This Sunday's mass was a bit out of the ordinary. I thought all along it would be the usual commentator role I will be taking.

The only difference I saw when I came in was that the choir including their electronic devices (microphones, keyboard) were relocated. From the usual choir loft, they are now located in front, near the corner where the commentator's lectern is positioned.

Attention to Sequence in Wedding Program

I suppose I was a bit lucky in today's wedding because the wedding coordinator was very cordial and called the two mass readers to immediately see me. Since the mass readers were on time, i.e., earlier than the rest of the entourage, the orientation for them was quick and easy.

I didn't realize though that there was a third reader who just popped up at the Liturgy of the Word itself. He took upon himself the Responsorial Psalm. Since he wasn't at the orientation, I had to constantly cut him off after the Verses because he wasn't supposed to say "Response".

Interfaith Mixed Marriage Wedding Muslim-Catholic

Today's wedding is one of those unscheduled "just came up" kind of a wedding. It was late when I was called to be wedding mass commentator. I was actually wondering why or how the parish accepts these late insertions in its wedding schedule.